#035: Break Free Part 3 - Food Foundations

Season #1

Summary: How do you BREAK FREE from the things that are holding you back from living life and living it to the FULL? We are in part 3 of this miniseries, talking about just that - how to break free and do what you can to heal and be stronger and more durable. Today, our topic is about FOOD choices and how do you even START making better choices when there is so much information and so many conflicting blogs and words of advice!? It can be overwhelming!! So today, Lisa breaks it down into 3 simple things: 1) understanding WHY making food is so complicated. 2) The three things you can eliminate to promote healing and healthy living, and 3) The three things you can add to promote healing and healthy living. These things will reduce the toxic load on your body and better equip your body for healing!! Let’s dive in!!

Links: www.LisaRoers.com










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