The Game Changer!
Nov 26, 2024
The Game Changer; written for: “She’s Making Her Way” Magazine; Michelle Kuzmick
By Lisa Roers; November 26, 2024
This was doctor number 26. It had been two years of tests, biopsies, blood pulls, exams, prescriptions that failed, and steroids that caused three eye surgeries and too many other side effects to list. The “thing” that was causing me so much pain remained undiagnosed, and, over the course of two years, had progressed to where I could barely walk. But this day was different. I was so excited to tell this rheumatologist of my breakthrough: I could finally walk pain free! The clinic staff checked me in, I found a seat, and waited. Finally, I was called back, and my excitement built as I waited some more. Then, the doctor came in. “How is it going,” he asked. “Great!” I blurted out. “I can finally walk again!”
He looked at me, puzzled, while I continued, “I discovered something called proteolytic enzymes. I've taken them for two weeks now, and I can walk again without pain! Isn’t that amazing!?”
My excitement was dampened by his silence, and the lack of acknowledgement was palpable. He cleared his throat, made a couple notes, and then looked at me with his head cocked like a curious puppy, and said, “What are proteolytic enzymes?”
I was done. While I respect what Western medicine can do for acute injuries and pain management, this systemic, auto-immune related issue attacking my body was not their forte. I had to make my own way. And I did. I fully embraced being my own self-advocate, and that’s when my healing journey launched!
“But HOW did you heal?” asked my friends, insistently. The answer is through a lot of humility, learning, experimentation, persistence, prayer and fasting.
Healing definitely was not a linear process. It didn’t come as quickly as I would have liked, and the list of questions and conundrums in my journey far outweighed the answers. But like the peeling of the onion layers, little by little, I reversed my symptoms and reclaimed my health. Now, with that said, health and healing is never done. It’s like the waves that come to shore, sometimes crashing, sometimes caressing, but you can be sure they will keep coming. So too, is the requirement to maintain our health. It ebbs and flows, but as long as we pay attention to it, we can stay ahead of the storms.
The biggest lessons I’ve learned through it all are: 1) no one knows my body better than me. 2) No one can be a better advocate for me, than me! 3) I was at least partially at fault for the issues plaguing my body, which is great news because that means I can be part of the solution for getting fully well. 4) Our bodies are fascinating, God-created miracles and deserve the appropriate care, awe, and respect. 5) We were never meant to weather these storms alone - we all need a community around us to support and encourage us.
Obviously, this is just a microcosm of my story, but healing through fasting and prayer was the biggest game changer for me, which is why I started a podcast, and now coach and guide others through the process with my course called Fast | Pray | Heal. The adventure isn’t easy, but it’s SO worth it! Because my journey took so many twists and turns, I’m passionate about helping others navigate that road with a little more confidence and support. You CAN heal. Your body was designed for it! And fasting is an ancient tool we all too often overlook in today’s over-indulgent society.
So, I challenge you to give fasting another look, or maybe introduce yourself to it for the first time. It might just be the key to unlock your mental clarity, ignite spiritual growth, restore physical health, and provide the peace that surpasses all understanding. Fasting - the oldest, most effective, most natural, simplest, cheapest, safest, most beneficial for weight loss, disease reversal, restoring mental clarity, emotional balance, and reigniting our faith! EVERYONE CAN FAST! (I’ll show you why!) Maybe it’s time to give it a try?